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[k9s] character set not supported

by study4me 2025. 3. 5.

🔹 환경 정보


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k9s 설치 후 실행 시 에러 출력

k9s version은 잘 되는데 k9s 명령어는 안되는 상황

Error: character set not supported
  k9s [flags]
  k9s [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  info        List K9s configurations info
  version     Print version/build info

  -A, --all-namespaces                 Launch K9s in all namespaces
      --as string                      Username to impersonate for the operation
      --as-group stringArray           Group to impersonate for the operation
      --certificate-authority string   Path to a cert file for the certificate authority
      --client-certificate string      Path to a client certificate file for TLS
      --client-key string              Path to a client key file for TLS
      --cluster string                 The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
  -c, --command string                 Overrides the default resource to load when the application launches
      --context string                 The name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --crumbsless                     Turn K9s crumbs off
      --headless                       Turn K9s header off
  -h, --help                           help for k9s
      --insecure-skip-tls-verify       If true, the server's caCertFile will not be checked for validity
      --kubeconfig string              Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
      --logFile string                 Specify the log file (default "/root/.local/state/k9s/k9s.log")
  -l, --logLevel string                Specify a log level (error, warn, info, debug, trace) (default "info")
      --logoless                       Turn K9s logo off
  -n, --namespace string               If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request
      --readonly                       Sets readOnly mode by overriding readOnly configuration setting
  -r, --refresh int                    Specify the default refresh rate as an integer (sec) (default 2)
      --request-timeout string         The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request
      --screen-dump-dir string         Sets a path to a dir for a screen dumps
      --token string                   Bearer token for authentication to the API server
      --user string                    The name of the kubeconfig user to use
      --write                          Sets write mode by overriding the readOnly configuration setting

Use "k9s [command] --help" for more information about a command.

panic: character set not supported

goroutine 1 [running]:
        github.com/derailed/k9s/cmd/root.go:72 +0x77
        github.com/derailed/k9s/main.go:32 +0xf

위 로그에서 주요 에러는 Error: character set not supportedpanic: character set not supported 이다.


🔹 문제 원인

서버 locale 설정을 살펴보면 k9s에서 사용하는 문자를 지원하지 않는 UCKR(ko_KR.euckr)설정이었다.



시스템이나 애플리케이션에서 사용하는 언어, 국가, 문자 인코딩 등의 지역적 설정을 정의하는 환경 변수이다.

간략히 추가 설명하자면 UCKR은 한국어 전용 인코딩이고, UTF-8은 모든 언어를 지원하는 범용 인코딩이다.

(예시) ko_KR.UTF-8: 한국어, 대한민국, UTF-8



🔹 문제 해결

# locale 목록 확인
locale -a

# utf8로 변경
vi /etc/locale.conf
(변경전) LANG=ko_KR.euckr
(변경후) LANG=ko_KR.utf8

# 단, locale -a에서 ko_KR.utf8이 없을 경우 ko_KR.utf8 생성하는 작업 별도로 필요함.

# 터미널 나갔다가 세션 다시 연결

